Category: FYS 149 – Assignments

  • My Map

    Antisemitism is an issue that often receives much attention in the mainstream media and in government, but awareness of it has done little to combat its rising prevalence in recent years. Stated plainly, the world’s views on antisemitism appear to have reverted in a manner that stands contradictory to modern society’s stated values of equality…

  • Ramachandran on Maps

    Ramachandran’s Claims: Ramachandran’s assertion that a complete map of the world did not exist before a certain point in history (Claim #2) has several important implications.  One conclusion that can be derived from this claim is that humanity never had even a rough idea of what the Earth actually looked like until cartographers of the…

  • Turchi Summary

    1: 250 Words The oldest known maps are from 3,000 BC. Originally, maps were used solely for navigation, mapping conflicts, and marking discoveries, and they are still commonly used in this fashion. However, due to the manner in which humans store knowledge in maps, they can often provide more questions than answers. There are important…

  • Paraphrasing

    “I, Mercator” by Stephen HallPage 16 Original:The ability to conjure, the willingness to fill in the blanks, the urgency with which one needs to know – all contribute to what the map becomes in the hands of the inspired imaginer: an instrument of destiny. Paraphrase #1:The capacity to imagine, the will to contribute to an…

  • The Great Allentown Fair

    Tucked away, behind the stands selling hot dogs, funnel cakes, and lemonade, was a hidden gem. A makeshift track, with hay sprinkled generously on the asphalt and surrounded by thin metal fences. The tall American flag, the stands occupied by onlookers, and the cheers of the audience gave off an indication of a race. Indeed,…