Antisemitism is an issue that often receives much attention in the mainstream media and in government, but awareness of it has done little to combat its rising prevalence in recent years. Stated plainly, the world’s views on antisemitism appear to have reverted in a manner that stands contradictory to modern society’s stated values of equality and inclusivity. This latter shift is not necessarily any individual’s fault in particular, but rather the collective fault of society. In particular, the rapid technological advancements over the past few decades that culminated in the creation of the internet allowed for an unprecedented new breeding ground for contemporary antisemitism, an online trend that would later have real life consequences.

Originally, online chat rooms, neo-Nazi forums, and hidden corners of the dark web became early digital domains of the antisemite. However, as society has seemingly regressed, the antisemite has emerged from the shadows, existing publicly and prominently on mainstream social media websites. As a natural consequence of this new aspect of the modern world, digital antisemitism has gradually seeped into the physical world in a variety of forms, including disturbing discourse on Holocaust denial, public neo-Nazi demonstrations in major metropolitan areas, and attacks on Jewish individuals.

No one can be certain as to what the future has in store, but I remain cautiously optimistic that this sharp increase in antisemitism will eventually be beaten back. Despite my personal hope regarding the matter, the reversal of the current trend is not inevitable and is entirely dependent on the actions of everyone to combat hate that is directed towards the Jewish community. Moreover, I have faith that there exists a silent majority that opposes antisemitism but has not yet received what they perceive to be a call to act against it. In time, I find it likely that at least a portion of this silent majority will receive this call to action, and this is what I base my hope upon.


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